Is this the best diwali ever?
It took me a long, long time and plenty of devotion to reach an organic, unsponsored, loving and positive, authentic, content driven 1k on Instagram
and I’m going to be extra af to celebrate this milestone because the journey to have an impact has impacted my life in a huge way!
Thank you, to all wonderful souls that paused to appreciate what I do
For every “You rock the saree” that replaced “Omg why are you wearing a saree?”
For every “Nobody does Indian like you” that replaced “Dont dress like an aunty”
For every “You have such an amazing sense of style” that replaced “Why dont you wear clothes like everyone else”
I live in unabashed, elated joy to know that I could, even in a very small way, sensitise young women of my age and millennia about how handicrafts, handlooms and heritage aren’t uncool, they’re about opening your eyes
About how ethical consumerism, consciousness and compassion isn’t something we can afford to not care about
About how traditional is beautiful, not undesirable
How indian textiles are the very fabric of our existence, of our forefathers, foremothers and all who fought for – and still continue to fight for – their artistic gifts
it is luxury, couture and exquisiteness
it is a piece of art that took time, effort, creativity, passion, soul and patience to create
it doesn’t come and go with every week, you won’t see duplicates on the bodies of 15 other women and in 15 branded stores around you, it won’t be cheap stuff to wear once and discard like we’re stupid enough to be oblivious to the alarming degradation of our planet (and moral consciousness)
it won’t make you a model or superstar clone
it’s what sustains livelihoods, families, children, heritage, culture, family pride, emotions
it’s what motivates millions of artisans to get out of bed every morning and toil on the loom, block print table or on the embroidery ring to create something beautiful for YOU – instead of migrating to the city slums to become a watchman or waiter
I have always said this, and will always continue to say, we cast a vote about the kind of world we want every time we buy something as consumers
what world are you creating?
Thank you for all the love! May everyone have a blessed, happy Diwali ?❤